Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Reasons

If they keep giving you reasons to leave. If you can list why you should go and have them numbered one through ten. If the losses substantially outweigh the gains, its time to move on. Whether it's a job, an affiliation, a relationship, or a place, get about the business of moving when you are being tugged. You are being tugged for a reason! You might wake up one day to find it gone, but not on your terms and quite possibly harbor the regret of not having done the leaving first. Do not take the signs lightly, you're being tugged in another direction and whether you do the leaving or the leaving gets done to you, its time to move forward. When you make the choice to seek something that is more fulfilling for your soul's journey God will show you the way. All you need is enough faith to allow yourself to follow the direction you're being led. Every step of the way God will be there. So get ready.....

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