Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Good, the Bad, and the Great....

We spend so much time anticipating the good and the moment we get it we start to wait for the bad things to occur. I'm not saying this includes all people, and for all I know it doesn't include you, but I'm sure you've experienced this at one point or another in your life - doubt, an inherit characteristic of our human experience. From a very young age most of us were exposed to the "if it's too good to be true..." lessons of life. So naturally we have a tendency to be suspicious when things seem to be going well. We are waiting for some shoes to start dropping. Does anyone ever wonder just how much the actual act of doubting contributes to our disappointments? Don't get me wrong, the simple act of thinking "happy" thoughts won't prevent what is coming, but not doubting won't accelerate it. How often does it help to doubt when a situation is going bad? How about never. I have never known a situation to be aided when doubt was involved. So maybe it's a good idea not to include it when things are going well.

Personally, I pray for the "to good to be true..." moments. I want things, situations, and people in my life that are so amazing it almost seems unreal. And I usually get them. Why don't they occur consistently and constantly? One word - DOUBT. I sometimes doubt away great things, situations, and people in my life. It's never hard for me to attract them, but keeping them is another exercise altogether. It requires me to go against an almost quarter century of programming. Taught not just through words, but also by the actions of my relatives and peers. There is a not so subtle message being delivered - if and when you get what you want, if it's too easy, amazing, or too much you better watch out because it's either not yours to keep or something bad is about to occur. Sounds a little much? You don't know any people in your world that delivers that message? Well congratulations, can I live in your world? It may sound dismal and a little depressing, but I'm detailing the events of my past and many situations I still see taking place in many people's lives. I'm tired of seeing people suffer. I'm tired of seeing people being disappointed. I'm tired of seeing people depressed. I want people to know that it's okay to have joy, to enjoy the experiences you have and the people that come with them. It does require a shift in consciousness. It does require work and a relentless drive for more. It does require celebration even when other people may wonder what you have to celebrate. This life, this time is so precious and so limited it's time for us to stop waiting for things to go bad and expect them to be great. Not good, but great, and anticipate them getting greater.

Question: What is great in you world right now? What do you have to celebrate?

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