Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Divine Connections - Part II (Platonic Associations)

You know the saying, "Beware of the company you keep"? Who you associate with definitely has affect on you and your path. What implications are there associated with the people you allow in your life? Some might say it's the difference between success and failure. We are very tempted to maintain relationships with people because of history or what we feel we have to gain. Your future is too valuable to just allow anyone to take part in your inner circle. Just because someone is appealing does not mean they should be allowed to be that close, the right people to aid you will be brought to you regardless, don't sell yourself short, do not settle. If you spend all your time associating with the "wrong" people you won't be available when the "right" people come along.

So how does one qualify as the "right" type of person? We each have our own measuring stick, but for me (considering it is my circle) it's about how they respond and relate to me, especially when times aren't perfect. Are they the type of person that laughs at my idiosyncrasies? Or are they the type to get annoyed easily? Are they the type to be open to me unconditionally? Or are they quick to hold back, lie, and judge? Can I act like my eccentric self? Or do I have to walk on eggshells trying to fit into their definition of cool? Are they actively promoting my growth, taking the time out to engage me in my interests? Or is it completely about their agenda and their requirements for our relationship? That's my list, and if I can not answer on the side of what I know to be a positive contribution to my life then I tend to pass on the relationship all together. People who are not actively for you will contaminate your way of being. For those that I am already actively involved with who are not a positive contribution, I have learned to love them from a distance. My inner world is too important to allow anyone to compromise it and seeing how relationships are the basis of 99% of everything in our human experience you must be careful about who you share your life. This goes for all relationships, platonic and otherwise.

So how do you attract the Divine Connections in our friendships, business partnerships, etc? By not settling and being honest with ourselves about that person's capacity for positively contributing to your lives. Take notice of the people who want to help you, not for their benefit, but for yours. Pay attention to the people who actively go out of their way to let you know they care, especially at the times you may not be at your best. Who still shows up? That is you current circle of cheerleaders, fans, BFFs, etc. To attract and allow others who fit into these categories, pay attention when you are interacting with people how they respond to you. Are they eager, interested, and more than helpful? Does it feel easy to interact with them, almost natural, not forced or contrived? Not to say this means you should look to that person/these people to trust with your deepest darkest secrets, but it's a start and who knows it may be another Divine Connection in the making. Know what your requirements are for your inner circle, your standards. It may seem exclusive and it should be, these relationships are the ones that affect your life greatly. Know your requirements, but be open to these people being brought into your life. They are already on their way to you, but you must allow them.

Question: What are your qualifications for your inner circle?

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