Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Right Place

Have you ever been in a place of sheer joy in anticipation. Remember what it was like to be 8 years old and anticipating your birthday. You're pretty sure about what you're getting, and you're ready to start counting down:

I'll be 9 in 6 days, 15 hours, and 53 minutes....

I'll be 9 in 5 days, 3 hours, and 4 minutes....

I'll be 9 in 1 day, 2 hours, and 37 minutes....

You know it's coming and you know it's good. There is nothing coming in between you and the joy you are expecting. There is joy in expecting! When was the last time you had joy in expecting something? Was it when you were 8? Not just happy or satisfied, but completely elated and overtaken by the idea of something advantageous coming your way. When I'm in line with my blessings and anticipate them so much I can feel it and just about how far away it is, I get joy in expecting.

I am happy about the prospect of getting what I want and I go into a phase akin to what expectant mothers go through - nesting. I actually prepare myself and my environment for my blessing! It's not even a conscious act, I've just now noticed it. But it only happens when I have joy in anticipating what I want. I noticed another thing: when I'm bummed out, upset, feeling awful I couldn't attract (or enjoy for that matter) something great.

So what does this have to do with allowing your blessings?

It is one of my prerequisites for being in line with my blessings - having joy in expecting.

So what does it take to be in line with blessings?

For me, in addition to having joy in expecting, there are other requirements:

1) Where Am I? - I need to know where I am (analyze my current situation, I have to know where I am to know how to get to where I want to be)

2) Seek Help - I gather everyone I know that will aid me through advice, encouragement, and the resources to help me be in line with my blessings and/or help my blessings come to pass. I'm also sure to avoid people who tend to add negativity to my situation.

3) Getting My Mind Right - I keep myself thinking about what I'm anticipating, I keep myself in love with what I'm anticipating. I keep reminders where I can see them. And by all means I keep my attention off the lack of my blessings. I know that it's coming - I feel it coming.

4) Get About Doing! - If I know the steps that I need to take, I get about doing them. If I don't know or it isn't completely clear, I am about the business of doing what feels good and focusing on what's great in my life. Sooner, rather than later, I know I'll be shown the way.

I think a lot of the time most of us know what to do, we just tend to get caught up in the routine of our current life. Start small, if there are 100 steps, start and focus on the first ten and most importantly the first one. Do your best to get and stay in your place of blessing, you know when you're not there, don't you? So do everything in your power to get there, and let the Divine take care of the rest. Be focused, be of single purpose and of sound mind, you're on your way!

Question: What do you do to get yourself in line with what you desire? How do you feel when you're on path/in the right place?

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